Monday, February 28, 2011

Installing Sun’s Java on CentOS 5.2 | Chris Schuld's Blog

I'm running ColdFusion 9 on a CentOS Linux box for testing my code after developing it. This has proven to be a great test since Linux is more case-sensitive then Windows and I've run into a number of issues where that's been the problem.
One of the latest updates in Java, for which ColdFusion is heavily based, is to patch a serious security issue. Finding instructions on how to update my CentOS 5.4 server Java has proven to be somewhat time consuming. I finally found a site that provided the correction instruction to get this working. You can find the instructions at Installing Sun’s Java on CentOS 5.2 | Chris Schuld's Blog

1 comment:

Mila said...

As there is not place for comments in your post "Using Dell Photo All-in-One Printer 966 with Mac", I use this to say ty a lot :) I couldn't believe it was so easy and worked perfectly :)) Thanks :))