Sunday, December 26, 2004

Ski Trip

Boy am I tired for not doing much! My wife and I just returned from a quick trip to northern Michigan to a ski resort we visit every year around this time, Crystal Mountain. We rented a house on the resort and stayed their with 9 other friends of ours over the weekend for a mini-vacation. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we don't celebrate the Christmas holiday. That's not because we don't recognize Jesus and the sacrifice he made, we do despite what most people are told, in fact that's the reason we are known for our door-to-door evangelizing is because he asked us to (Matthew 28:19, 20). The reason we don't give it special significance is because Jesus told us memorialize his death, not his birth (Luke 22:19). This year I decided not to ski. Last year I did and while goofing off I tore my ACL in my right-knee which I had re-constructed in May 2004. Instead I laid on the couch in front of the fire and either read a book from the library (1984 by George Orwell) or imported some digital video from our Bible character party in November and tried to learn iMovie and iDVD on it. The trip was too short and we had a great time with everyone that stayed with us and everyone else that stopped by. Each year we say "we have to stay longer next year", maybe in 2005 we'll actually do that!

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