Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Two More Days....

Two more days until I wrap up my consulting business and start the new full-time job. It will be strange, after 6 years of working for myself, to work for someone else. Two more days to finish wrapping up the to-do list I have here at the lab I'm working at on the MSU campus. Tomorrow, converting our Crystal Report reports to ColdFusion reports and integrating them with our web database application.


Anonymous said...

Will Crystal Reports interface with Coldfusion and vice versa or do you have to physically convert each report and only use either just Crystal Reports or just Coldfusion to Generate the Reports?
Do you know if there is a possibility to do data entry via a Coldfusion web interface into an Oracle Database?

Troy said...


Yes, you can use ColdFusion to interface with a Oracle database, in fact ColdFusion will work with any database, MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Derby, Postgre even a plain text file or Excel spreadsheet can be used!

Yes, you can have ColdFusion and Crystal Reports work together. Depending on the version of Crystal Reports, you can use the built in interface in ColdFusion or a hybrid link between ColdFusion/ASP and Crystal Reports, just depends on the version of Crystal reports.

The newest version of ColdFusion has it's own report generation tool that can take any HTML document and convert it to PDF, Excel or Flash as a report